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How To Define The Level Of Your Automation Maturity?

By Marcos Lopes and Luís Gil

What is Automation Maturity

Automation has become an integral part of modern business operations, revolutionizing the way companies operate and manage their processes. As businesses strive to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and stay competitive, understanding their level of automation maturity has become essential. Automation maturity refers to the stage of development a company has reached in its automation journey. It is a critical measure of how effectively and extensively a company has implemented automation technologies in its operations.

Automation maturity is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Each company’s path to automation maturity is unique and depends on various factors, such as industry, business goals, and existing infrastructure. It involves a gradual progression from basic, manual processes to highly advanced, automated systems. As companies evolve in their automation journey, they reap a multitude of benefits, from improved productivity and cost savings to enhanced data accuracy and customer satisfaction.

How to Define Your Level of Automation Maturity


Defining your company’s level of automation maturity is a pivotal step towards achieving your automation goals. To assist companies in this effort, we have identified four fundamental questions that will help assess their current automation maturity level:

1. What is the Extent of Automation in Your Business Processes?

To evaluate your level of automation maturity, begin by identifying the extent to which your business processes are automated. Are your core processes primarily manual, relying on human intervention, or have you integrated automation technologies to streamline these functions? The higher the degree of automation within your processes, the more mature your automation level.

2. How Integrated are Your Automation Technologies?

The integration of automation technologies across different functions within your organization is a significant indicator of maturity. If automation is isolated within specific departments or processes, it suggests a lower level of automation maturity.

A more advanced organization will have interconnected systems that promote data flow, real-time decision-making, and a cohesive automation strategy.

3. What is the Role of Data and Analytics in Your Operations?

Data is the lifeblood of automation. An organization’s ability to gather, process, and leverage data can be a strong indicator of automation maturity. Assess your company’s data-driven decision-making capabilities, real-time analytics, and the extent to which data informs your business processes. Advanced automation maturity involves leveraging data for predictive analytics and informed decision-making.

4. How Agile and Adaptable is Your Automation Infrastructure?

The agility and adaptability of your automation infrastructure is another key factor in assessing your level of automation maturity. Consider whether your systems can easily adapt to changing business needs and evolving technology. Mature automation involves a scalable and flexible infrastructure that can accommodate new innovations and changing market conditions.

Benefits of High Automation Maturity


In conclusion, understanding and defining your company’s level of automation maturity is crucial for achieving long-term success. As your organization progresses along the automation journey, you will experience a range of benefits, including:

  • Enhanced Productivity: High automation maturity levels lead to increased productivity as repetitive, manual tasks are automated, allowing your employees to focus on more strategic activities.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient automation reduces operational costs by minimizing errors and speeding up processes, ultimately improving the bottom line.
  • Competitive Advantage: As you mature in automation, you gain a competitive edge by responding quickly to market changes, improving customer satisfaction, and being more adaptable.
  • Innovation: Highly automated organizations can focus on innovation and the development of new products and services, driving growth and market leadership.
  • Data-Driven Decision-Making: Advanced automation maturity ensures that your company is making data-driven decisions, which can lead to more accurate forecasting, better resource allocation, and improved customer experiences.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, companies that invest in increasing their automation maturity will not only survive but thrive. By answering the four key questions mentioned earlier and continuously working towards improving your automation maturity, your company can position itself for long-term success, staying ahead of the competition and meeting the ever-evolving demands of the modern business world.

ARPA delivers top level services, specialized human resources and products in the Robotic Process Automation field to boost digital transformation initiatives in any market sector. We can team up with our customers to build the best strategy aligned precisely with their business’ maturity level. Technology, People and processes are our strong foundations for our projects to succeed. Contact us!

Defining your company’s level of automation maturity is a pivotal step towards achieving your automation goals.

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